The function of the chemistry laboratory is to ensure technical and scientific support to the users for the
preparation required in the beam line experiments and furthermore to provide the infrastructure needed
for in-house research projects in the field of chemistry and materials science.
Safety requirements:
1. All the chemicals and materials necessary for samples preparation have to be declared on-line. Each sample
must be identified and must have been specifically declared according to is nature.
2. Only gases and chemicals approved by the safety group of SOLEIL synchrotron can be used.
3. Each sample or handled chemical product has to be labeled. The following information has to be mentioned:
- The name of the product,
- The date,
4. Warnings and indications in the laboratory must be respected.
5. Individual protection against hazardous substances must be used for any handling (lab-coats, gloves, glasses).
6. Handling hazardous chemicals alone in the laboratory is forbidden.
7. Any drinking or any eating in the room is forbidden.